Public Power Utilities call Merrigan Energy Group when they need someone on their side of the table who has the requisite expertise and the background knowledge when negotiating PPAs or other critical contracts. Power sale negotiations require a competitive market skill set to guarantee a favorable outcome for the Public Power Utility, and Merrigan Energy Group knows how developers and large utilities work. We understand your commitment to the communities you serve and will aggressively look out for the best interest of your members.
- Market Origination
- Power Purchase Agreement negotiations for wind, solar, geothermal and fossil-fired generation
- Short and long-term energy sales and procurement
- Natural gas tolling agreements
- Reverse tolling agreements
- Acquisition due diligence
- Project Management
- Fuel supply agreements
- Management of Energy Request for Proposals
- Project review
- Asset optimization
- Experience negotiating with the large companies as part of a public power utility